
About me

Hi All, since your here, why not read up a little on me. I am a DL native to australia and have been for about 12 years. I have been wearing and participating in the community for more years than I would like to admit have passed. Like most, finding out there were many people out there like me was a huge buzz and helped make me feel "Normal" in an otherwise unusual world. Part of this blog is to help other people who are new to our world feel comfortable and connect with other people in the community. I guess the main reason I have started to blog is just to get some thoughts down on paper and hopefully meet some like minded people. Apart from diapers, I am huge music fan and actively work in the production side of the music industry. I also enjoy the things that most people love, sleeping in, watching movies, reading books on rainy days and kicking back on the weekends, having fun with friends. Please feel to drop me a line and support others in the community, particularly people that are linked on the left hand side of my page.